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Home> Workers' Comp> What Are The Benefits of Workers' Compensation In Texas? > Income benefits
Income benefits replace a portion of wages you lose because of a work-related injury or illness. There are four types of income benefits:
Income benefits may not exceed the maximum weekly amount set by state law. Temporary
income benefits, impairment income benefits, and lifetime income benefits are also
subject to a minimum amount set by state law.
Maximum and minimum benefit amounts are based on the state average weekly wage.
You must report any income (other than income benefits you may be receiving) to
the Division and the insurance carrier so an adjustment can be made to your income
benefit payments. You may be fined and/or charged with fraud if
you receive temporary income benefits while also receiving wages from an employer
without informing the Division and the insurance carrier.
Income benefits are no longer payable following the death of an injured worker receiving
income benefits. The injured worker's beneficiaries may be eligible to apply and
receive death benefits if the injured worker's death was due to the
work-related injury or illness.